I did told about my bad past but he always mention those and made me feel angry and feel very bad when he in anger, I told those to him because I hope I can forget those and have a mind that those mistake was a not big mistake. And I don't like to feel these feeling which made me weak when he asked to comeback for our relationship.
Sometimes I am crying and hope him will comeback. I felt, he is the one that I'm looking for, is enough to find other boy because he is complete me more than your expectation (it was like that). When we were talking feel like very lucky for found him. Yes it was like that, he told me that he was feel that too. I miss the time when I'm with him. It was no fight that made me too much hurt. It was like good moment in my life.
Actually I also thinking, if my x is not for me then let me forget him and have good life. But my bf now can't be like him, because he is not him. Too much fighting, too much hurting and too much crying, I never felt like this with other boys before. He did same mistakes again and again and hurt me more again and again. I want he really leave me when he decided to leave me because when together will fight always. If I compare my x with my bf, feel like my bf is nothing. My x more than my bf, I felt my x is the best one than boys which ever come to my life. I miss my x. I really hope he will comeback and healthy. Please let me to forget him if I don't have a chance to be with him again, if he is not for me. for my M : I miss you........... (T_T)