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Feels like Forever alone

Feels like forever alone, yes now I i like forever alone.

Feels so hurt, actually I'm tired to have bf but I don't know why I still fall in a love with the name of bf-gf relationship.

I need hubby, tired for bf.

Bf made me get hurt a lot.

Why I need to have bf if bf can't help my problem?

Better to live alone without bf.

Bf only want me to make him happy and to share his burden but he didn't do anything when I'm in depress.

I'm tired want to run away and reach what I want to reach.

I hate him.....

Because of thinking that I had with him then I need to care relationship, spend my time and energy for keeping stupid relationship.

This is very exhausted and now I feel very tired. Waiting him....

I don't know what to do feels like lost my way.

I know I can't be happy always it must be sad time.

When I'm become old then I feel life become harder

This mind also very bad, I'm envious with some girls.

Sometime I feel why I can't be like them?

I have to be more than them, but see now I still stuck in here.

I want to fly.

Reach my highest dream.

But that only dream when I only dream it.

Still don't know which step should I take.

I need help.

Maybe God is punishing me now, because I'm bad.

Ok I will try to accept when people call me bad, idiot, stupid and nonsense, just say yes I'm.

I'm envious when I see a kids can be very happy without any burden, they don't thinking how hard is life.

They want to be adult but they don't know that to be adult is a lot of depress and burden.

Crying is not something to made you get what you want anymore but crying for adult is to decrease burden.

I don't know why God made this life.

There must be a reason.

Life is hard and it is seriously complicated.

Happy life forever alone.

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