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Break or not?

It is Saturday night, it has been 3 days since our last chat, no actually yesterday I still say hi to him but it was dry, no sense.

I don't know what to do, continue or its enough in here. He said that he still waiting her, while he said that he had planned. I knew his plan was want to take serious with me because I was asked to end our relationship but he was trying to make me come back to him by saying that he had a plan with me. But 3 days ago, why he said that he was still waiting here?

So what the meaning of me on his side?

Feels like a toy to cheers him when he sad and feels alone till she will back to him. He like to call me player but now, who is player?

I tried to loyal with him, tried to understand him, tried to care him with this long distance relationship but he only thinking of his self.

He said I'm not respect him because when he want to talk I always said I feel sleepy, I don't know what kind of respect is when I did give my time at least 4 hours every night for him while our time different is 3 hours, when he called me at 3 am, I woke up for him while I was sleep only 2 hours and we will talk till 8-9am and when you still ask my day time to talk then I gave to him, but still he said I'm not respect him. When I will sleep and do my project, if almost a whole day I did spend my time for him? And he asked "What is your job there? Only chatting, sleep and your project when I said I want to talk but you always say you are sleepy? You know, I'm work in here but still I spend my time for you, but you not respect me!"

Now, why I have to spend a whole my time for him when he will back to her? Why I have to wasting my time to him?

He thought my project likes his jobs which make invoices that always he did everyday, then each invoice only take 10 minutes. Do you know, my project is about programming and I need very focus on it because I still learn for everything in here, not all syntax I did understand, everything is new for me. Because I start to learn and then make this project.

I did explain my situation and hope that he will understand, but he was said, "So I only disturb you and wasting your time? Don't waste your time for me." I never hope that he will answer likes that, I feel he only thinking of his self when he answer like that. Then I talk about our relationship if we will be serious in future, but he said that he still waiting her. Everything like broken in my mind, who am I, feels no meaning, feels not important. To make my self back to the world, I said to him, "I still thinking the previous one too (F), I think he is still alive". Mean I am not waiting F but only thinking of him, because with F it was very fun and perfect but both hasn't tell love yet. Now F is sick, and I don't know if F still have the life expectancy or not. F is who suffer brain tumor stage 3.

Now it has been 3 days we are not talk, I will stay likes this because I need to finish my study not cheers up him till he back to his girl.

  --------------TIRED WITH A HEART SWINGER AS HIM--------------


*I think everybody who understand with this issue, will agree if I choose to end my relationship with him.

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