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What to prepare before married?

What to prepare before married is not something to prepare for the wedding day but what to prepare for the status after become married. Just like to travel to other place married need a lot preparation because all people hope that they will marry only just once time in their life. This preparation is to prepare our mental because married without mental preparation will damage the lives of your household. Couples who get married without proper preparation would be potentially in conflict constantly, and could end up in divorce. This could be due to the vision and mission of the inequality in marriage. What should have a partner to prepare before marriage?

1. Self-control of emotions
Before deciding to get married, you should identify your emotions and also the level of partner. Introduction emotional level will help you manage your emotions so as not to be drawn. I asked many married couple mostly woman because they were more emotional that they feel after married everything feel so different than before married, further more after they get baby for first time the mother feel that they need more self control. They said that married is like to increase patient for 1000x even you chance to other partner it will always happen so be ready for it.

2. Communication
Ask the receipt of lasting married to some grandmas, they said that communication is very important part and key to have lasting married. Communication should not be done verbally, but also through touch, a smile, a joke, a comment, a desire to listen to each other and support each other. Even more important, communication is not just a hobby or something to ask what her favorite food, but also recognize the emotional needs. Try to communicate as well as possible by using a heart. Show genuine affection and do a lot of complaining on the couple.

3. Conflict resolution
Conflict is common thing because everyone has differences. A must-have partner before marriage is the ability to resolve conflict. All things considered initially completed and according to the way "you and him", but when she got married everything must come to an end by means of "us". That is, if the original decision was based on each individual desire, when already married decisions must be based on a common desire. The ability to resolve conflicts that satisfy both parties is necessary to maintain domestic harmony. Often couples still have a high ego and will not budge because they think that the way to overcome the problem is most excellent.

4. Always self-oriented learning
Self-oriented learning is also other receipt that suggested by grandmas so it is important key too. Usually when beloved late to pick up or cancel a date will make you think all sorts. Well, the thought of this kind must be removed when you are married. Too many negative thoughts will make you suspicious and do not believe the couple. In fact, all the suspicions are not necessarily unfounded. Disbelief this could be the destruction of the embryo-common household. In addition to positive thinking as married couples try to appreciate and respond to the success and failure of a couple with the view that it is a self-learning process.

And girls and boys understand it but there no one is perfect and your desire level to someone won't always same, everything will up and down because it is life. Hope who reach this blog will be happy married couple and lasting till die.

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